3 Steps to Get Your ARMS IN for Irish dance
Shoulders Back in Irish Dance
Irish Dance Posture | part 4 - arms straight
Irish Dance Posture | part 3 - arms in
Irish Dance Posture | part 2
Posture for Irish Dance | part 1
Three Top Tips to Keep your Arms in for Irish Dance
SHOULDERS BACK exercise for Irish Dancers
Is your dance teacher yelling "keep your arms in!"?
Bending Arms while you Irish dance?
The #1 Skill Irish Dancers want to Improve…and how to FINALLY fix it!
Curve in Lower Back? You could be suffering from a common Irish dance problem
Core Stability Challenge for Irish Dance
Shoulders moving while you're dancing?
SHOULDERS BACK: 2 easy exercises to fix this common Irish dance problem
An Essential Irish Dance Posture Exercise You May be Missing
Perfecting Irish Dance Posture: "Shoulders Back"
Key Exercises to Improve Irish Dance Posture
Improve your Irish Dance Posture with these 3 Tips