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Target Training
Jan 53 min read
Year-Round Strength Training: A Game-Changer for Irish Dancers
When it comes to excelling as an Irish dancer, most dancers and parents understand the importance of hard work and dedication in...

Target Training
Oct 23, 20243 min read
Undergraduate Degree in Irish Dance Education
Choosing a college and major can be daunting, but I used it as an opportunity to create my own path by designing a unique degree in Irish Da

Target Training
Oct 9, 20243 min read
The Great Balancing Act - balancing school, dance & training
As an Irish dancer, managing the demands of school, dance, and training can feel overwhelming. Between class schedules, practices,...

Target Training
Aug 25, 20243 min read
Going on Blocks in Hard Shoe - part 1/2
Many times, dancers struggle to get up on their blocks and can’t confidently execute the choreography. We've got all the tools to help!

Target Training
Aug 25, 20242 min read
Going on Blocks in Hard Shoe - part 2/2
In part one of our two part series, Going on Blocks in Hard Shoe , we reviewed why there are age guidelines placed on when dancers can...

Target Training
Aug 11, 20242 min read
Back to School | creating an inspiring training space
We are closing out summer break and heading back to school. Simultaneously, we are kicking off the fall training season and for some,...

Target Training
Jun 23, 20243 min read
Five steps every Irish dancer should take the week before a competition.
It's the week before a big competition and you want to do everything you can to prepare. Here are five steps you shouldn't miss when planni

Target Training
Jun 9, 20248 min read
Anxiety & Irish Dance
PART 1: Understanding Anxiety and How it Effects your Irish Dancer Performance Raise your hand if you, or someone you know, deals with...

Target Training
Jun 5, 20243 min read
Importance of Rest Days in Irish Dance
As dancers, we often struggle with the idea of taking a “rest day” - a day which is set aside for rest or on which one departs from a...

Target Training
May 18, 20241 min read
FLEXIBILITY | PART 4: Active Mobility
Active mobility refers to exercises that increase your range of motion through controlled movements. This type of movement is impactful for

Target Training
May 16, 20241 min read
FLEXIBILITY | PART 3: Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation
Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Faciliation (PNF) is a stretching technique that has shown to have a positive impact on improving active and pa

Target Training
May 15, 20242 min read
FLEXIBILITY | PART 2: Nerve Gliding
FLEXIBILITY | PART 2: Nerve Gliding Nerve gliding or nerve flossing is a type of stretching that helps to mobilize the nerves. This type...

Target Training
May 13, 20243 min read
FLEXIBILITY | PART 1: Mobility vs Flexibility, Dynamic and Static Stretching
Active mobility, neurosensory modulation, nerve glides, proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (autogenic inhibition and reciprocal inhib

Target Training
Apr 24, 20242 min read
6 Tips to Help Fix Corrections in Irish Dance
It can be confusing. You keep getting that one comment in class and at competitions even though you're thinking about it when you dance....

Mar 22, 20244 min read
2024 World Championships Training Guide
Your 2024 World Championships Training Guide is here! The 2024 World Championships are just around the corner. Whether this is your first...

Ella Pomplun, PT, DPT
Mar 10, 20247 min read
Returning To Dance After Injury
Figuring out when you're "ready" to get back to dancing after an injury can be a tricky balance. You want to get back to the activity you...

Target Training
Feb 26, 20244 min read
Four Step Warm-Up for Irish Dance
When you imagine an Irish dance warmup, you may picture a half-hearted jog around a dance studio (or competition venue) followed by some...

Target Training
Feb 7, 20243 min read
3 Steps to Get Your ARMS IN for Irish dance
Do your dance teachers constantly tell you to keep your arms in? Have you gone to feis after feis only to see 'arms in' written from...

Ella Pomplun, PT, DPT
Jan 30, 20245 min read
Pain on the ball of your foot? Understanding Sesamoiditis and what Irish dancers can do about it
You’re working hard in dance class, but there’s an aching pain in the ball of your foot that just keeps getting worse as class goes on....

Target Training
Jan 26, 20243 min read
Staples and Splurges for an Inspiring Home Studio
I've compiled a list of my all-time favorite home studio equipment staples and splurges for Irish dancers.
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