Strength and conditioning programs have primarily been associated with sports for hundreds of years. But when it comes to dance, it is not commonly seen as a necessary component. However, recent research shows that “training outside the dance technique class is not only beneficial, but perhaps essential to furthering strength and power in highly-developed dancers.”1
Strength training programs teach dancers efficient ways to improve technique by increasing the quality of effective training. This training leads to a decrease in injury risk and improved dance technique by increasing a dancer’s
muscle strength
Continue following the TT Blog for strengthening exercises targeting the specific muscles Irish dancers need to improve technique.
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Supplemental Reading
Check out some of the latest articles related to strength training for dancers here.
IADMS Bulletin for Teachers - Volume4, Number 1, 2012
Andrea Kozai
Journal of Dance Medicine & Science
Yiannis Koutedakis, Ph.D., Antonis Stavropoulos-Kalinoglou, M.Sc., & Giorgos Metsios, M.Sc.